Januari 09, 2010

Women Movement ??

“We deserve to have a freedom of speech and equality due to be a survivor in this cruel world where the justice is no longer stand as it is, but we have to deeply realize about what we really are at first and last”

Under our consciousness, sometime we never realize that we are as the women have lots of opportunities to gain our existentialism as many as we can because we are no more living in the world full of restrictiveness over something. As we flash back to some previous years, women were seen as human who had no status in their social life. They had no freedom to convey their thoughts (lack of freedom of speech), they had no space to elaborate their abilities as well, and they were seen as one who could only fulfilled men’s desire. No wonder, they were mostly working on prostitution. No admission into their position as human being, or we could say it as the losing of their existentialism. Moreover, women then labeled as the weakest one, who could do nothing. They were judged as the one who just bear the baby, feed them, and take care of them and her husband, that’s all. Those conditions indirectly have shaped the judgment about women generally for over years. However, the historical background above had already encouraged most of the women figure in that era to fight the discrimination among them. They fought for the equality and their position in social life, academic side, and also the right to sit in the parliament, to vote even to be a part of administration. As a result, we can feel the result of their efforts in fighting the discrimination today although it is not truly wiped off, but we can be more creative to speak out our mind to public nowadays.

Talking about freedom and equality among men and women, I suggest that we have to be more careful in defining the meaning regarding to those two words. Also, the parameter we take for the cases, so that we will not be out of track. The fact shows that both women and men are born differently on the physical and mental point of view. They were born by their own roles, their own part in this life because they have different character, personalities, they are identical, and also have their unique existentialism in their life.

That’s why, when we are talking about women freedom and equality, it should not be about unconditional case. The further explanation is that women are of course they have to have the freedom as the men have already had; freedom of speech, freedom to have the better education, freedom to vote, and anything that has something to do with the basic freedom as human being, just like what have already stated in constitution about freedom. Actually, the word freedom here has something to do with the right of human being. However, what we have to give more attention in this case is that, freedom doesn’t always mean absolutely free because behind the word freedom, we still have the other’s people freedom (rights), and also some duties to be done. Unfortunately, nowadays we are as the women who strive for the freedom are sometimes have misunderstanding in defining the freedom and what we are really striving for. Women nowadays prone to strive something wrong which is then turned into the right one. The issue about freedom they declared as if come at end into life misleading. They hide behind the word freedom given due to gain their personal interest. It also happens in the terms of “equality”. Yes, I personally agree with the proposal about women equality with men. However, what I want to clarify is that what kind of equality we want to have. Obviously, women and men have to have equality in their life which is the equality of the rights as human being, the equality to have the same treatment in social life, and etc. These are somewhat the same with the freedom we talked about before.

Actually, if women sue equality which is identically same as men, I don’t think it works and good for them. Why? Certainly, women and men are so different although women force themselves and successfully have the same position, have the same identity, and could do everything what the men could do, however, it will never make them same with men. It is because women and men were born with their own good and bad side, and they complete each other, and they are not standing as one person who could have two roles in their life. Beside that, women should be more aware to their nature as the women who have been gifted affectionate to take care of their family, and the power of women who will make our generation doesn’t stop at end. However, it doesn’t mean that women’s life is just going around in house to be a housewife, but women must be more open-minded and creative. We are now living in the era that we can easily explore ourselves and are more independent, and I think it’s the way how we live our life so far. Women nowadays are not limited in elaborating their selves. They can work, they can be everything they want, they can vote, they can be free speak out their mind, even they can rule the world if they want. Anyway, women are much more fascinated and sophisticated nowadays, but sometimes women forget their nature as the women because they are now can be so independent, they can earn money, and they can fulfill everything they need by their own hand, so they prone to choose their life to be alone. They don’t want to get married and choose to life as individual because most of them thought that men are the one who will restrict their dreams, their life goals. Their reasons are having a man beside them is just the same to bring them back in the past when everything is limited. That’s why, most of women nowadays are afraid of commitment, and I cannot agree with this case. I think we are as the women can still reach out our dreams and life goals even thought we are bundled by the commitment, in this case is marriage. It’s kind of selfishness if women thought the ways like that. Beside that, we must be more critical that nothing absolute in this world because when you sue the freedom and equality, it never be unconditional. You are still limited by the regulations, by the constitution, and by the others interest as well. We cannot be that selfish. One thing for sure that, we are women were born by the women, and we will never be here without the role of men and women itself. You can’t stand all alone in this life. You will need a man in your life and vice versa. We can’t easily deny it by the way. We need one another, and this is life should be. We cannot forget and live away from our nature as the women.

As I have already mentioned before, women and men were born differently with different role in this life, but they complete each other. It is all about the balance of our life, and we can life in one hand and one foot, or we will scattered. At last, we deserve to have a freedom and equality among men in this life, but we have to consciously conscious the nature of us, as the women.